Managerial economics Друк
Четвер, 26 липня 2018, 10:05

Managerial economics

Maurice, S. Charles.

Managerial economics. — 5th ed. / S. Charles Maurice, Christopher R. Thomas.

p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 0-256-16055-4

1. Managerial economics. I. Thomas, Christopher R. II. Title.


1995 338.5'024658—dc20          94-26272

Managerial Economics is essentially an economics text designed especially for business students. A majority of students, including both undergraduates and students in MBA programs, will enroll in courses with the same title as this book. However, many instructors and students use this text for courses in applied microeconomics.

This text can stand alone in the sense that it contains all of the principles of microeconomics theory needed to understand specific managerial economics concepts; no supplemental text is necessary. By presenting the basic theory and the specific managerial economics constructs together, we demonstrate that managerial economics is simply an application of microeconomics.