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Головна Нові надходження до електронної бібліотеки Program and methodological recommendations on scientific and pedagogical educational practice for Master Degree students majoring in 292 International Economic Relations educational program “International Economic Relations”, second (master’s degree) leve

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Program and methodological recommendations on scientific and pedagogical educational practice for Master Degree students majoring in 292 International Economic Relations educational program “International Economic Relations”, second (master’s degree) leve PDF Друк e-mail
П'ятниця, 10 травня 2019, 13:19

Program and methodological recommendations on scientific and pedagogical educational practice for Master Degree students majoring in 292 International Economic Relations educational program “International Economic Relations”, second (master’s degree) level

Shkurupii O. V.

Program and methodological recommendations on scientific and pedagogical educational practice for Master Degree students majoring in 292 International Economic Relations educational program “International Economic Relations”, second (master’s degree) level / O. V. Shkurupii, S. I. Tul. – Poltava : PUET, 2019. – 16 p.

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